• Lets you launch a mobile-native store currency for free
• Much more than loyalty points, store currency can be traded and transferred by your customers
• Any customer that has the MyCurrency app installed on their smartphone can receive your store currency
• Store all the store currency from MyCurrency-enabled businesses on one app
• Use the MyCurrency app to find currency swaps with other MyCurrency users in order to trade the store currencies you have for the store currencies you need
• Complete freedom to transfer the store currency you receive, making MyCurrency-based points far more useful than points issued through traditional loyalty programs
Video Instructions
Written Instructions
• Registering a user account and creating your first currency, store and product: https://mycurrency.medium.com/how-to-get-started-with-the-mycurrency-app-ed49815e4f8e
• Making offers to other people on MyCurrency to trade currencies: https://mycurrency.medium.com/trading-currencies-with-another-mycurrency-user-72c1dafd4bfa
• Linking Craigslist posts to the MyCurrency platform: https://mycurrency.medium.com/instructions-on-linking-your-craigslist-post-to-mycurrency-93e1a9ab9877
MyCurrency API
The MyCurrency API reference guide: https://info.mycurrency.com